I believe that everything we ever needed to take care of ourselves already exists on earth. Before chemicals, toxins, and lye products there was coconut oil, soybean oil, argan oil, vitamin e, Shea butter, and cocoa butter. All ingredients derived from nature. While looking for the benefits of natural products I realized it’s a win-win situation. Let’s build on the benefits of N.A.T.U.R.A.L:
N- Nature. One definition of nature is a simple, uncluttered mode of life without the distractions of civilization. Nature's products are the best products because they haven't been tainted or compromised. When you use nature's products you know you're getting the best result for your skin and hair. Nothing is compromised. Just pure ingredients.
A- Aromatic. Natural oils, like essential oils can aid in aromatherapy and provide many short term and long term benefits for the body. Lavender, vanilla, jasmine and other fragrant plants have a calming and soothing component that relaxes the mind, body, and the soul. Not only do these scents make you feel good, but they make you smell wonderful too!
T- Toxin Free. Any product that is toxin free is a benefit to the whole body. Part of the reason there are so many side effects with toxin filled products is because it's not natural to the body. Thus, it is normal for your body to reject it. Natural products contain toxin free ingredients which make them better for your body as well as the environment.
U- Useful. Natural products are useful and practical when it comes to your health. The unique components of natural products have therapeutic benefits for the whole person. From skin care to hair, even nail care. Why wouldn’t one want to take advantage of what the earth has to offer?
R- Radiance. Products that contain natural ingredients bring a radiance and glow to the user. When you use these products that make your body feel good and are good for your body, you acquire a radiance that draws people to you. The confidence exudes through your pores.
A- Authentic. Natural products show the real you. The authenticity of nature's products allows one to feel better about herself/himself. When using authentic products you don’t worry about introducing synthesized, unnatural, artificial components to your body. You are confident that this is the "real deal".
L- Love Yourself. Taking time to treat yourself by using natural products creates a feeling of self love. Using only the best, natural ingredients is treating yourself the way you deserve to be treated. Love yourself. Love nature. There are so many benefits to using natural products; from being environmentally healthy to being especially healthy and helpful to your body. Stray away from toxin filled, chemical infused products and go au naturel by investing in the best kind of product. The kinds that are as natural as your smile. And IMBUED is that product. Let it saturate you!